Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Music Biz..Today and Tomorrow

Watching tonight's 25th Anniversary of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame on HBO, makes me realize the power and the value of music.

As I write this I'm seeing Bono, Springsteen, and Jagger singing together (three citizen poets albeit millionaires) joining together through the power of song to deliver a kick ass performance.

Still, behind each of the great performers/lyricists/musical virtuosos who capture fan adoration are the artists’ accompanists: the managers, agents, publicists, roadies, recording engineers…

Without that team of silent band members… none of our musical stars (of yesteryear, today, and tomorrow) could ever succeed, sustain and entertain.

The cartoon above from Craig Swanson (cartoonist whom I met for the first time yesterday) recognizes and honors those unsung heroes of the music biz.

As I watch this great live performance, I'm very excited to note that new software from companies like Nimbit now can take care of business so musicians can concentrate on what they do best: create and perform great tunes.

Sing on!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

ItsMoi launches to protect your online identity, brand, messages

Here's today's Tweelease (a news release that was issued over Twitter): about ItsMoi --
the first solution for everyday users of social networks to protect their online identity on
Twitter and Blogs. Support for Facebook, LinkedIn and other SNs to come (with your help).

Sign up for the free Beta version at

--Patrick "Yes, It's Really Me" Rafter


For Immediate Release Launches Beta Solution for The Online Identity Crisis

Millions have personal Web presences—But how can people verify that communications from your blogs, Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn accounts really come from YOU?

Boston, November 24, 2009 --
ItsMoi, Inc. (, the pioneer of identity verification for users of social media and blogs, today the Web-wide beta debut of a scalable, patent-pending freeware solution to the very real and growing problem of online impostors.

“Social networks are today where e-mail was before spam, spoofing and phishing,” said Floyd Backes, CEO and Co-Founder of ItsMoi, Inc. “The scary reality: There is nothing available today to protect Web users that can prevent cyber-impostors from establishing blogs or social media accounts and claiming to be someone else. Anyone can be adversely impacted.”

For more detail on the impending online identity crisis go to:
ItsMoi protects social media users – individuals, professionals, businesses, and celebrities – from scams perpetrated by impostors.

How ItsMoi Securely Validates Your Online Identity
Unlike existing applications that provide necessary Internet privacy and security by verifying accounts, computers, or websites -- ItsMoi validates and verifies individuals, through its unique VideoPrint™ and Verifier approach.

Much as fingerprints uniquely identify a person—a VideoPrint is a short online video that a singular individual records using a Webcam in which that person is seen and heard by others reading some random text, the date, and their own name. The random text is the key. When an actual individual records a VideoPrint, they will not know ahead of time what the random text will be. When friends and followers playback an individual’s VideoPrint, they will see that individual user saying the same words that are scrolling across the screen. Because stolen video cannot show someone reading our authentic, random text, there is no way to fool ItsMoi into creating a phony VideoPrint.

Once a VideoPrint is made, the user places a Verifier – an unambiguous, non-reproducible link to their personal VideoPrint – on their social media sites and blogs.

ItsMoi then leverages “crowdsourcing” to further validate and authenticate an individual’s identity. People who know an individual personally can link from the Verifier to the VideoPrint and officially verify that person. People who do not know the individual as well can see who has verified that user’s identity and be confident that they are following the real person behind the VideoPrint and associated blog, Twitter account, or website.

Online Identity Theft Is Coming. Protect Yourself
There is nothing available today to effectively prevent impostors from establishing accounts on a social networking site and claiming to be anyone that they want to be. Anyone with Web access can (with a few clicks and keystrokes) pretend to be you in cyberspace. And because there is so much information available through search engines, impostors can create very believable imitation profiles. They know where you’re from, your sports and hobbies, if you won a fishing derby when you were seven. They know where you’ve worked, who your friends and colleagues are, where you live-- even who you supported for President. As more and more personal information is readily available online the problem will only get worse. ItsMoi was founded to help you protect your online identity, preserve your brand, and control your message.

ItsMoi: Help Us to Help You
Available after today, the initial Beta software version of ItsMoi now enables bloggers and Twitter users to validate that they are the legitimate and authentic owners of their accounts.

ItsMoi is intentionally using its public Beta program to gather users’ input on the service (impressions, feature functionality, process improvement suggestions and performance observations). Initial input from 2,000 Beta users will provide helpful feedback towards the full ItsMoi service launch in early 2010.

Future capabilities of ItsMoi will meet public demand for protection of Facebook and LinkedIn profiles, as well as other online expressions of personal or organizational brand identities.

Sign up for ItsMoi: It's Easy and Free:

• Sign up for ItsMoi at
• Follow the online prompts to use your Webcam to record your VideoPrint™ and make a Verifier
• Drop the ItsMoi Verifier into your Twitter or blog page
• Invite your friends and followers to link from the Verifier to your VideoPrint to validate your identity
• That's all there is to it! Your feedback is welcome and encouraged

About ItsMoi

ItsMoi ( is a free online identity validation service designed to address the growing identity crisis confronting bloggers and users of social networks. Each day, as millions publish blog posts, follow people on Twitter, and connect with others over Facebook and LinkedIn from legitimate accounts --Web users worldwide are victimized by online impostors who’ve hijacked others’ online identities by creating fake accounts and fraudulently pretending to be someone they’re not.

As our name suggests, ItsMoi helps prove that you are you, online. ItsMoi’s patent-pending VideoPrint™ technology and Verifier process helps protect your identity, preserve your reputation, and defend you from cyber impostors whose illegal activity can damage your personal brand and your livelihood. Through its built-in crowdsourced validation method, ItsMoi also protects your family, friends, followers and fans (the "four fs") from scams perpetrated by impostors in your name. To get your own free account, or for more info: go to
ItsMoi VideoPrint and ItsMoi Verifier are trademarks of ItsMoi, Inc. All other marks are properties of their respective owners.

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Contact: Patrick Rafter for,, 617-901-2697

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Online Identity Crisis

Millions of bloggers and users of social media could potentially face what I call "The Online Identity Crisis." Since there hasn't really been an effective way to protect our online identity from online impostors who can masquerade as us-- we run the risk of having bad guys do things that can damage our reputations, hurt our brands, misrepresent our thoughts and messages-- by pretending to be us.

From Mashable, to the Huffington Post... from TechCrunch to blogs covering the Hollywood scene, stories of online impostors pretending to be celebrities and plain regular folk are popping up all over.
Fortunately, a solution to this problem is now available--a new, free online service that goes into public beta tomorrow:
ItsMoi validates you are the actual owner/creator of your blog or your social media account
it then uses crowdsourcing to have those who know you verify your identity. Verify me on my blog at

While there are millions of people called Li in China, lots of Jane Smiths in the US, and Mohammed is the most common name worldwide, ItsMoi will be valuable as its tagline suggests:

"Because there's only one you"

I'm sure that Popeye would concur.