A recent article in AdAge "LinkedIn Skyrockets as Job Losses Mount" notes that fueled by the troubled economy--- LI is now up to 7.7 million unique visitors, counts 36 million members and is adding a member a second. Impressive growth. The article comments on LinkedIn's business, its profitability and multiple revenue streams.
It's no surprise to me that LinkedIn is doing so well. I've been an unabashed fan of it as one of the most powerful 'free' online tools for any communications pro. Back in October 2007,
Ragan's Media Relations Report wrote on LinkedIn as "The newest way to connect to the media" detailing how "LinkedIn is helping PR people and journalists build virtual relationships—not to mention business connections."
MRR asked me for my thoughts for the article:
“Its principal value to PR pros is that it offers a free, Web-based way to research people you want to know more about,” says Rafter. “Being able to read the profiles of individual freelancers, writers, editors, analysts, pundits and conference organizers is enormously valuable. The more I know about someone before I pitch them, the more succinct and effective my pitch will be.”
LinkedIn is a helpful service whether you're a marketing/comms pro or someone in cleantech--its a great way to locate and connect with clients, enablers, references, opinions
Whether you're an employer, an in-house employee, an independent consultant, or someone who's currently underemployed in search of your next opportunities-- you can get a lot out of it.
Personally--- I find it much more substantial than Twitter and more professionally focused than Facebook.
Whether you're an employer, an in-house employee, an independent consultant, or someone who's currently underemployed in search of your next opportunities-- you can get a lot out of it.
Personally--- I find it much more substantial than Twitter and more professionally focused than Facebook.
To get the most out of LinkedIn let me recommend helpful tips from Sharon Thomas DeLay in her article: "Step up your LinkedIn Profile to stand apart"
Hope you can all stand apart and that people who will appreciate your value will connect with you. Long live "mutual advantage."
Check out my LinkedIn profile at http://www.linkedin.com/in/patrickrafter and let me if I can help you.
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